Traveling Democracy Lab

DCI and the Baltic Centre for Media Excellence are organizing an exhibition traveling around The Baltic Sea region and Belarus called ‘Traveling Democracy Lab’. The project’s main goal is to provide citizens with tools to assess the credibility of media sources and distinguish facts from dis-/misinformation. The exhibition is characterized by simple and direct communication, using recognizable situations from everyday online life.
The Travelling Democracy Lab will center around the translation and adaptation of Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Belarussian versions of the Swedish exhibition ”The Traveling Democracy Lab / “Facts vs. Fakes” which are planned to travel to schools/education institutions, libraries, and public venues in the 4 countries.
The exhibition will run from September 2021 to January 2022 and will be accompanied by workshop events for youth, students, the public and academia. Led by experts, these will focus more narrowly on topics related to climate and sustainability as well as health.
Health is exactly the main focus when the first 3 project kicks off this month. The first exhibition will open in Liepaja, Latvia on the 20th of September. Afterwards the exhibition travels to Narva in Estonia on the 22nd of September, before this month culminates on the 24th of September in Siauliai in Lithuania. In October the exhibitions travel around The Baltic Sea Regions once again, this time with focus on sustainability and climate.
Due to situation in Belarus, we are planning for online solutions with events taking place in the upcoming months!
Read more about the day in Liepaja, Latvia on September the 20th here
Read more about the day in Narva, Estonia on September the 22nd here
Read more about the day in Siauliai, Lithuania on September the 24th here
Read more about the day in Daugavpils, Latvia on October the 25th here
Read more about the day in Tallinn, Estonia on October the 27th here here
Read more about the day in Vilnius, Lithuania on October the 29th here
The project is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, and the workshops will be led by Leif Lønsman from Nordic Journalist Center and Evgeniya Khoroltseva from the Norwegian Human Rights Academy, supported by local Baltic experts.