The Culturability BSR project (Culture for Sustainable development in Baltic Sea region), operated in 2014 – 2015, received very positive feedback from stakeholders, experts and policy makers. The project has been seen as an innovative, breakthrough first-mover in research and policy-making to connect culture and sustainable development. Now we are entering phase 2.
The outcome of phase 1 has been manifested in a number of stand-alone achievements. It also points towards a number of promising activities in order to expand the number of stakeholders and achieve more tangible impact in the Baltic Sea Region. Therefore, Culturability is moving into a second phase.
The purpose of Culturability Phase 2 is to build, test and scale prototypes for good practices for culture and sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region. It will focus on three topical areas:
- Urban Social Inclusion
- Cultural and creative industries (CCI) and Cultural Tourism
- Digital Tools and Gaming
The activities of Culturability Phase 2 will include:
- nurturing BSR networks and cooperation for sharing knowledge, exchanging experiences and continuing dialogue on culture and sustainable development;
- developing concrete BSR projects (prototypes, methodologies of immediate use for scaling);
- maintaining a living lab sort of platform regarding urban development and social inclusion; social innovation through CCI and cultural tourism; and gaming and smart solutions for learning, connecting and engaging;
- providing consultancy for projects and initiatives;
- creating input to inspire and influence policy-making in the BSR; and
- using the project as a foundation to seek long-term BSR Interreg Funding.
Culturability Phase 2 will be organised as a set of meetings and workshops in 2016 and 2017 with experts from cultural and non-cultural stakeholders, including policy-makers, academia and entrepreneurs from culture and creative sectors.
The 1st Meeting took place in Rendsburg on April 14 – 15, 2016.
Upcoming activities are:
- workshop in Riga, Latvia / Social Inclusion & Digital Tools & Gaming / late Sept 2016 (dates TBC)
- workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania / Cultural Tourism / Oct 2016 (dates TBC)
- workshop in Tallinn, Estonia / Digital Tools & Gaming / Dec 2016 (dates TBC)
- workshop in Gdansk, Poland / Cultural Tourism / Jan 2017 (dates TBC)
- workshop in Pori, Finland / Social Inclusion / Mar 2017 (dates TBC)
- final Meeting in Skåne, Sweden Apr 2017 (dates TBC)
>> A Concept Note for a 3-year project on “Cultural Planning and Urban Social Inclusion in the Baltic Sea Region” was submitted to Interreg on 1st of June 2016.
Culturability phase 2 will be led by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia in partnership with the Danish Cultural Institute,
Ministry of Justice, Cultural and European Affairs of Schleswig-Holstein, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland,
Ministry of Culture in Latvia, Region of Skåne, ARS Baltica and other partners.
EU Action Plan for the Baltic Sea Area
Culture for Sustainable Development is one of the Flagships under the EU Action Plan for the Baltic Sea Region.
The aim of the Culturability project is to build knowledge on culture as a driver for sustainable development – and through showcasing and demonstration encourage multiplication of good/best/next practices for culture and sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region and from that develop a number of high quality high impact projects in the field.
The focus of the project and its follow-up will be to build cooperation between core stakeholders within the creative industries, urban development and social innovation on efforts which use culture to integrate the environmental, economic and the social dimension of sustainability.
The Flagship project is a partnership between The Nordic Council of Ministers, The Ministry of Culture of Poland and The Government of Schleswig Holstein. It is carried out in cooperation with The Danish Cultural Institute and The Swedish Institute, with primary funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers.