Christian Have at Vilnius International Film Festival
As part of our centenary celebration of Estonia’s, Latvia’s and Lithuania’s independence jointly with the Embassy of Denmark in Vilnius we supported Christian Haves presence at the Vilnius International Film Festival. Christian Have gave a lecture on how to promote you film via storytelling in film marketing and how to engage audiences on social media. He brought along examples from Denmark with big successes as “Babette’s Feast” (1987) and “The Horrible Woman” (2017). He gave independent and smaller film makers inspiration, tips and ideas on how to promote their film and at the same time include the audience via social media and influencers like bloggers and YouTubers.
After the lecture he gave individual consultations to festival participants, some of which had presented their film earlier in the day at Lithuanian Showcase. Here Christian gave individual advice to each of the film makers on how to promote their films and which tools they should use. The 6 films all sounded very interesting and we are looking forward to seeing how they will promote the films when they reach that stage for the films.
The lecture and consultations were a wonderful way to add a Danish input to the centenary and celebration of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian film production, promotion and cinema in general.