AUSTRINA finishes Kokle tour

The Latvian Kokle Ensmenble AUSTRINA finished their Danish tour last Saturday with a concert at Jydrup. They have excited people throughout Denmark, by playing the Latvian folk instrument; the Kokle, and wearing traditional Latvian dresses. The tour kicked off at Bovbjerg light house, where AUSTRINA played a beautiful outdoor concert. This was followed by an intimate concert, in the residence of a local family, where a spontaneous singalong, resulted in the Ensemble experiencing some classical Danish culture. They stayed overnight at orkesterskolen, where they were showed around. AUSTRINA proceeded to the local music festival “Fiskedagene” in Thyborøn, and finished off in Jyderup. The tour was a great success for both Danish and Latvian participants alike, as many Danes were introduced to the magical sounds of the kokle for the first time. The event was organized in close cooperation with the local music school Skolenau Pils in Riga.